Epilepsy And Cannabidiol
As the need to find a drug to help individuals with epilepsy grows, research is being conducted on the use of marijuana high in Cannabidiol. When used for children who have uncontrollable epilepsy there have been numerous cases of positive results. Despite the fact Cannabidiol can increase risks for cognitive problems and psychiatric disorders many parents are anxious to have their children try this treatment.
The Treatments
People suffering from severe epilepsy have tried medications, implanted electrical stimulation devices, alternative therapies, brain surgeries and diets and received no relief from their symptoms. Although marijuana extracts may have some harmful effects a child who has already tried all the available treatments with no success is in danger from the constant seizures anyway. The actual dangers of using marijuana extract has not been clinically evaluated yet. This is mainly because of the stringent restrictions in effect by the DEA and FDA.
The United States Controlled Substances Act
This act restricts drugs such as Cannabidiol because they have a large potential to be abused. The act also states any drug with no treatment use that is not medically accepted in the United States is restricted. It is also believed any drug that has not been proven safe or used under medical supervision only must also be restricted.
Epilepsy Research
More research needs to be done on Cannabidiol. One of the biggest problems are the regulations regarding marijuana high in Cannabidiol also known as CBD. Researchers have a difficult time obtaining this particular substance. This is limiting research and scientific advancements. CURE is trying to help researchers with the obstacles they face so they can make the necessary advancements.
CURE does understand that CBD capsules are not the right choice for all children suffering from epilepsy. More research needs to be done so cures can be found for all of the different forms of epilepsy. Epilepsy affects more individuals than Parkinson’s, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, and multiple sclerosis combined yet there are less federal dollars spent on epilepsy than any of these diseases. There is a lot of optimism by both researchers and parents that CBD may be the answer for a lot of people. The effects of all types of marijuana need to be tested to ascertain their effects on controlling seizures.
The Parents
The parents of children suffering from unrelenting seizures are running out of time. They are going to do anything and everything within their capabilities to help their children. They will face the unknown because compared to the possible results of uncontrolled seizures over long periods of time it is actually a better option. These seizures can eventually cause intellectual disabilities, severe regression and death. The safety studies will take a long time to complete and compassion needs to be used when families are combatting intractable epilepsy in their children.